Register to visit RSN 2025
+ all supporting events.

A single registration provides FREE access to all events at RSN 2025. Parking is FREE too.

CTRL F5 to clear the confirmation and load a new form, to enable registration of multiple badges.


Do not pay at the parking machines, refunds for parking inadvertently paid cannot be given by the show organisers.

  • Services your company provides to rolling stock (more than one tick ok)
  • If you have ticked any of the above you are automatically registered for this event and we look forward to seeing you on the day. You will receive an acknowledgement email.
  • Media Companies in particular should note that they should not canvass exhibitors to sell media content, events content or on line content unless they do this as a paid exhibitor with a booked stand.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Exhibitor/Visitor List Scams
We are aware that exhibitors are increasingly being targeted by companies claiming to supply exhibitor and/or visitor lists for a price.  These companies are fraudulent. If you receive any such unsolicited offers, please do not respond.  They even try to offer lists they claim to be ours to us at Rolling Stock Networking !

Show Highlights

What our customers are saying

“161 Brochures taken and 9 Zoom calls booked over 3 days next week – that is what I call networking!

“It has been an unbelievable event for me.”

– Martin Whitbread, the Orange Train Wash Company