Railway Industry Association - Conference

Railway Industry Association are the RSN Conference Partners for the 2025 Rolling Stock Networking Event

The conference will consider the future outlook for UK rolling stock in the short, medium and long term, and is free to attend.

It will examine current options and proposals for the procurement of new build trains as well as fleet cascade and refurbishment options while focusing on how to adapt rail infrastructure and integrate alternative traction to achieve net zero targets.

EVENT HOST:- Richard Carr, business engagement manager, Rail Industry Association

Richard supports RIA members by engaging and influencing key decision-makers in the regions, delivering networking and intelligence-sharing events, and supporting the delivery of the RIA Nations & Regions priorities.

Richard has extensive experience working in the rail sector, having worked as Owner and Managing Director of rail equipment manufacturer Mechan for 20 years, and having provided consultancy services for the University of Huddersfield and several supply chain companies. He was also an active member of the Rail Supply Group SME and Export workstreams and helped establish the Rail Sector Deal SME Collaboration pilot scheme.

2025 – Conference



Simply turn up to this event.  Registering to attend RSN is all you need to access this promising event.

The conference – held upstairs, above the main exhibition hall – begins at circa 10am and runs through until circa 3pm. 

Exact timings will be published here in the conference timetable.

The speakers will be announced on this page and simultaneously by Rail Partners.


About the host

RIA is the voice of the UK rail supply community, helping to grow a sustainable, high-performing railway industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. RIA has 400+ member companies across rail supply, including multi nationals and SMEs, covering a diverse range of products and services.

Championing a dynamic rail supply sector

Conference information

The Conference at RSN 2025 is not organised by Rolling Stock Networking and is organised by Railway Industry Association.

Rolling Stock Networking provides space to those third parties and each sub-event is entirely in the control of the respective organisers.

These complementary events in airline style seated format are expected to deliver a series of engaging programmes with a full programme of sub events during the day with speakers and topics focusing on the wider rail industry, its challenges and specifically in building a better railway.

What our customers are saying

“161 Brochures taken and 9 Zoom calls booked over 3 days next week – that is what I call networking!

“It has been an unbelievable event for me.”

– Martin Whitbread, the Orange Train Wash Company